Monday, August 30, 2004

Worship 8.29.04

Wow! What an amazing worship experience last night! I was really amazed by the energy coming from the congregation! I could feel the energy as I stood up to read the scripture.

It is really great to be back among you all after two weeks in the wilderness. I am sure that you will hear more about my trip over the next few months. I have a lot of experiences I am anxious to share. It is really tempting to shoehorn an illustration into a sermon just so I can talk about it. But, I really like to let the text lead me and save my stories for when they might actually help you relate to the scripture.

I always love to hear your thoughts and feelings. You can post a response on this blog or e-mail me at

May God bless your week!


Thursday, August 26, 2004

Pastor Tina's Sermons Are Posted

Just wanted to let you know that Pastor Tina Carter's sermons from the last two weeks are now posted on the sermons page of the website. If you missed either worship service, you will want to take a look.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Back and Ready for Worship

I just got back from Colorado last night. I have already heard a lot of great comments about the past two weeks' worship services.

I am currently trying to readjust to the world of phones and computers and get everything together for Sunday. I look forward to seeing you all!


Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Off to Colorado

Well, I am off this afternoon for Colorado. Two weeks of backpacking and contemplation. On this trip we are not allowed to take any electronic devices (even watches) or any books (except the Bible.) We are really trying to step away into the wilderness.

I hope you might consider doing this even for a moment. Perhaps a moment in the morning before turning the television on. Or how about a walk along the greenbelt by yourself (if it is under 100 degrees). Maybe just try driving to work or school with the radio off.

We all approach God in different ways and some people actually feel closest to God best when the music is loud and we are all singing. But, I invite you just to step away for a moment and listen for God's still small voice.

May God bless you.


Sunday, August 08, 2004

Worship 8.8.04

I think worship keeps getting better and better. I really credit that to the Spirit and to everyone who comes and worships with us. It is your presence and energy that makes the service what it is.

I will give some other credit though. The youth did a wonderful job this week leading the music! I was really moved by their music this week. We are also blessed by so many people who work behind the scenes to make worship happen. It takes people to set up the sanctuary, make the visuals work, greet visitors at the door, and make sure the sound system works. That doesn't include all the people whose faithful gifts and service make it possible for us to have a place to worship in.

If you feel a tug at your heart to do something to help with the service or serve God in other ways, I hope you will talk to someone. I doesn't even have to me. Ask any of the people you see helping around the church and ask them how they got involved.

I hope you feel God's blessings this week.


Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Getting Ready for Sunday 8.4

Where do you weigh in on the subject of miracles? We can't really get very far into the gospel of Mark without talking about miracles. So, this Sunday we will delve right in with a little help from The Simpsons.

Our youth praise team will be leading us in music this week and they tell me they have a great bunch of music ready!

If I were you, I would try really hard to make it to worship August 15th and 22nd. While I am backpacking in Colorado, my good friend Tina Carter from the Rock United Methodist Church will be preaching. She is an amazing preacher and truly wonderful person. I know you will be blessed by her presence.

Some of you may already know Bryan Bellamy. He is a friend of mine from seminary and he will be helping to lead worship those two weeks. I have already seen the music lineup and I am kind of sad I will be missing it.

Bring some friends this week. Come together and worship with us!!!


Monday, August 02, 2004

Comments on 8.1.04 Service

I had to turn off the postings on the last entry. So feel free to post comments here about this week's service.


Sunday, August 01, 2004

Worship 8.1.04

We had a wonderful worship service tonight. The music was amazing and you could truly feel the Spirit's presence with us. Thank you to Stella Burkhalter for sharing with us about "plugging in" to community ministries. I really hope you will all think and pray about how you might be called to service throughout this year. The first step can be a small one. There are a lot of different types of opportunities, there is bound to be one that you feel comfortable with. There are also some that can help you to reach out of your comfort zone, something you may be ready to do.

I love to hear comments about the service and the message. You can post them here, or e-mail me at This blog allows anonymous posting, so you don't need to register to post a comment.

May God bless your week!
