Tuesday, November 30, 2004


In case you missed Sunday's service, take a look at this week's message. I took the opportunity to talk about Advent. There seems to be a little confusion regarding what is all about and I hope the sermon clears that up a little bit.

If you read it, or if you were there on Sunday, I would love to hear your comments.

We will get back into Mark's gospel this week with the feeding of the 5000. I will post the exact scriptures later in the week.

I have been considering posting some questions for reflection for the weekly readings. They could help you to think about the scripture a bit before Sunday's sermon. Let me know if you are interested. If there is enough interest, I will start posting.

I hope you are having a blessed Advent.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

This is just a neat story - Dolphins Protect New Zealand Swimmers from Shark

I saw this today and found it interesting. I don't know if I have any theological revelation about it, but you might.

Yahoo! News - Dolphins Protect New Zealand Swimmers from Shark



Monday, November 22, 2004

Come Together Retro Style

A minor inconvenience really turned into a blessing this week as we worshipped by candlelight on Sunday night. We are not sure what knocked out the power in the midst of the first song of the night, but it stayed off for the whole service.

The band played on, although we a slightly different song selection. Thanks to Dave Wiant for providing some special music solo, acoustic and with a flashlight.

It was a wonderful blessing to have a chance to stop and think about what is important in worship. The lyrics on the screen, the microphones, the video sermon illustrations are all wonderful tools to liven our worship. But, all we really need is a Bible, each other and God's presence.

Thank you to everyone who shared in the experience!

Grace and Peace,


Friday, November 19, 2004

Basis 101 This Week

Stop by room A206 after worship for Basis 101, a small group for those college-aged and up (18-30ish). Bryan Bellamy is our fearless leader and here is what is up:

This week we’ll be looking at the story of the Hebrew midwives. Sounds familiar? Probably not, but it’s one of those stories that is attached to the beginning of a much more familiar story. It’s a story about bravery and cunningness in what appears to be a hopeless situation. It’s a story about the underdog succeeding. It’s a story filled with irony, and amidst the irony God is operating. Which raises the question, how often do we find God operating in these ironic, often humorous, situations?

It is a short one this week...

Here is the scripture for this week:

Mark 6:30-32 New Revised Standard Version

Mark 6:30-32 The Message

This is usually read as part of the feeding of the 5000 but I am going to talk about just these three verses this week. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Grace and peace,


Monday, November 08, 2004

And I thought the Bible was boring... Scripture this week

This week we inappropriate marriages, dancing, an unwise promise and a good old fashioned beheading. Check out the text for this week from the Gospel of Mark:

Mark 6:14-29 - New Revised Standard Version
Mark 6:14-29 - The Message

Feel free to post your first impressions on the text or any questions it raises.



Tuesday, November 02, 2004

After you vote... this week's scripture

Greetings! I hope you have taken a trip to the polls today or are on your way. I did early voting at Home Depot, which felt a little odd. Back when I lived in New York, I had to go to the United Church of Christ down the street. We had those big voting booths with the little switches and the big lever that you pulled that closed the curtain behind you. When you were done, you pulled the level again, your vote was registered and the curtain opened. It felt a lot different than standing in front of a little computer on the edge of the home and garden center.

Anyway... here is the scripture we will be covering this week:

Mark 6:7-13 - New Revised Standard Version
Mark 6:7-13 - The Message

I am curious how you react to the weekly readings in The Message. Eugene Peterson's paraphrase can be quite different from the other version. I sometimes quote from it in worship, just to get a different feel for the text. Let me know what you think.

Have a great week.

